Movies Applivation


This application uses SQL Lite Database, Custom Adapter and List View in Android Studio to create a database of movies. The user is able to key in the movie details such as the rating, which corresponds to an image and enter it into the database. They are also able to delete and edit the movie variables in the app to change any of them


What I realised when coding this was that I was hard to ensure that the every page of the worked without crashing. During the time, I coded this, I almost had to recode some pages as they weren't working well with the others. I think the challenge was figuring out the problem with my codes and how they linked to each other. However, despite the amount of trial and error, I was able to code it successfully without any app crashes. I hope to customise the app more and revisit it when learning more of how to make use of newer features in Android Studio.


- Java